Asycuda1Benefits of UNCTAD’s Customs automation program ASYCUDA

This is part of a series to explain the impact of UNCTAD’s work on small business and how youth can benefit and get involved.

When you are importing or exporting as a young entrepreneur, clearance of goods can sometimes be time consuming and a real challenge because of complicated administrative procedures.

Through the development of a software system known as Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA)UNCTAD offers Customs departments in developing countries the opportunity to overcome many hurdles.

With over 30 years of experience and having been implemented in more than 90 countries worldwide, ASYCUDA helped reduce clearance time from 18 hours to 1.5 hours in one beneficiary country for instance.

In addition, as an online computerized system, ASYCUDA allows for a reduction by half in the number of forms to be filled in by importers and exporters.

Asycuda2ASYCUDA also encourages trading countries to recognize their respective clearance forms – thereby reducing time and compliance issues for entrepreneurs.

Another positive aspect of ASYCUDA that is particularly relevant to governments is that it allows Customs departments to have a clear overview of revenue collected through clearance.

ASYCUDA contributes to transparency, is a good tool in the fight against corruption and allows for reliable data collection on imports and exports.

For example, in another beneficiary country with the use of ASYCUDA, monthly tax collection was increased by 5 million USD compared with the same month in a previous year.

Having reliable data on trade increases investment opportunities.

Asycuda3Through this customs automation programme ASYCUDA, UNCTAD makes it easier for businesses to grow and be involved in cross-border trade.

Facilitating customs is essential for businesses to prosper and become more competitive on the international market.
